Marketing Strategy
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Marketing Strategy
Social Media
Website Design
Video Marketing
Digital Advertising
Contact Us
Google Ads Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name
Business Name
What services or products do you offer?
Which services/products do you want to advertise for?
Is there one you want to focus more budget on (perhaps one that is more profitable)?
If you are service based, how do you prefer to communicate with customers or potential customers?
If phone calls are preferred, what is your process when a call comes in?
Are there specific days/hours when the phones are answered?
Do you offer free quotes/consultations?
If someone fills out a contact form or emails you from the website, what happens with that contact? How long does it take to get back to them?
What are the steps in your current sales process? Do customers shop around a lot?
Do you want your ads to run 24/7 or certain days/times?
What geographical location(s) do you want to focus your advertising in?
This can be narrowed down as far as county and zip code.
What are your overall marketing goals and objectives?
What is your max advertising budget overall?
Do you have a target cost per lead goal?
Customer Persona
Is there a certain trigger or time in life that a customer is reaching out to you?
Is there a typical age and gender of your customer?
What common questions or hesitations do potential customers have before purchasing or working with you?
What are some Frequently Asked Questions you get from your clients or ‘would be’ clients?
What are your customer’s biggest pain points (struggles/issues/problems)?
What emotion are you/your product/service/etc. taking your client from? (overwhelmed, chaotic, unorganized, etc.)
What emotion are you bringing your client to? (organized, peaceful, simplified, etc.)
Competitor Information
Who are your biggest competitors?
Which competitor is most similar to you?
What sets you apart from them/why do your customers choose you?
On the contrary, why do people choose your competitors over you?
Any additional useful information?
Thank you! We will get back to you soon with your Google Ads program.